



I need to write a split function in JavaScript that splits a string into an array, on a comma...but the comma must not be enclosed in quotation marks (' and ").

Here are three examples and how the result (an array) should be:

"peanut, butter, jelly"
  -> ["peanut", "butter", "jelly"]

"peanut, 'butter, bread', 'jelly'"
  -> ["peanut", "butter, bread", "jelly"]

'peanut, "butter, bread", "jelly"'
  -> ["peanut", 'butter, bread', "jelly"]

The reason I cannot use JavaScript's split method is because it also splits when the delimiter is enclosed in quotation marks.

How can I accomplish this, maybe with a regular expression ?

As regards the context, I will be using this to split the arguments passed from the third element of the third argument passed to the function you create when extending the jQuery's $.expr[':']. Normally, the name given to this parameter is called meta, which is an array that contains certain info about the filter.

Anyways, the third element of this array is a string which contains the parameters that are passed with the filter; and since the parameters in a string format, I need to be able to split them correctly for parsing.

+2  A: 

What you are asking for is essentially a Javascript CSV parser. Do a Google search on "Javascript CSV Parser" and you'll get lots of hits, many with complete scripts. See also

Jim Garrison
Just to be pendatic, 'lexer' is a more appropriate term than 'parser' for this problem.
+1  A: 
var str = 'text, foo, "haha, dude", bar';
var fragments = str.match(/[a-z]+|(['"]).*?\1/g);

Even better (supports escaped " or ' inside the strings):

var str = 'text_123 space, foo, "text, here\", dude", bar, \'one, two\', blob';
var fragments = str.match(/[^"', ][^"',]+[^"', ]|(["'])(?:[^\1\\\\]|\\\\.)*\1/g);

// Result:
0: text_123 space
1: foo
2: "text, here\", dude"
3: bar
4: 'one, two'
5: blob
Doesn't handle swapped `'` and `"` delimiters, non-alpha characters.
Jim Garrison
Changed it, now it does :)
I ran it with a simple test, `"a,b"` and it returned `null`. Apparently it doesn't pick up words that consist of less than 3 characters
Andreas Grech
Some other problems: **1)** `\1` doesn't act as a group reference inside a character class (it just matches `1`); **2)** you only need two backslashes in the regex to match a literal backslash, not four; **3)** to put a backslash-quote in your target string, you have to use `\\"` in the string literal, not `\"`; **4)** unless you're told otherwise by the originator, whitespace should be treated as significant in CSV data (meaning the first part of your regex should be simply `["',\s]+`).
Alan Moore

If you can control the input to enforce that the string will be enclosed in double-quotes " and that all elements withing the string will be enclosed in single-quotes ', and that no element can CONTAIN a single-quote, then you can split on , '. If you CAN'T control the input, then using a regular expression to sort/filter/split the input would be about as useful as using a regular expression to match against xhtml (see:

I don't see what the thread you linked to has to do with this one. Okay, I wouldn't use regex in this case, but the problem faced here has little to do with trying to parse (x)html using regex. *That* can't be done because of the recursive nature of (x)html, but this problem isn't about that at all. It seems that in every thread with the word "regex" in it, the thread (#1732348) is posted a linked to...
Bart Kiers
The point is that if you aren't sure WHAT your input might contain, then there's no regular expression that's gonna parse it properly.
My point is that the post #1732348 has little to do with this one. And the fact you don't know exactly what your input is, is exactly what regex is about: you define a pattern of the possible variations.
Bart Kiers
+1  A: 

Well, I already have a jackhammer of a solution written (general code written for something else), so just for kicks . . .

function Lexer () {
  this.setIndex = false;
  this.useNew = false;
  for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
    var arg = arguments [i];
    if (arg === Lexer.USE_NEW) {
      this.useNew = true;
    else if (arg === Lexer.SET_INDEX) {
      this.setIndex = Lexer.DEFAULT_INDEX;
    else if (arg instanceof Lexer.SET_INDEX) {
      this.setIndex = arg.indexProp;
  this.rules = [];
  this.errorLexeme = null;

Lexer.NULL_LEXEME = {};

  toString: function () {
    return "[object Lexer.ERROR_LEXEME]";

Lexer.DEFAULT_INDEX = "index";

Lexer.USE_NEW = {};

Lexer.SET_INDEX = function (indexProp) {
  if ( !(this instanceof arguments.callee)) {
    return new arguments.callee.apply (this, arguments);
  if (indexProp === undefined) {
    indexProp = Lexer.DEFAULT_INDEX;
  this.indexProp = indexProp;

(function () {
  var New = (function () {
    var fs = [];
    return function () {
      var f = fs [arguments.length];
      if (f) {
        return f.apply (this, arguments);
      var argStrs = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
        argStrs.push ("a[" + i + "]");
      f = new Function ("var a=arguments;return new this(" + argStrs.join () + ");");
      if (arguments.length < 100) {
        fs [arguments.length] = f;
      return f.apply (this, arguments);
  }) ();

  var flagMap = [
      ["global", "g"]
    , ["ignoreCase", "i"]
    , ["multiline", "m"]
    , ["sticky", "y"]

  function getFlags (regex) {
    var flags = "";
    for (var i = 0; i < flagMap.length; ++i) {
      if (regex [flagMap [i] [0]]) {
        flags += flagMap [i] [1];
    return flags;

  function not (x) {
    return function (y) {
      return x !== y;

  function Rule (regex, lexeme) {
    if (! {
      var flags = "g" + getFlags (regex);
      regex = new RegExp (regex.source, flags);
    this.regex = regex;
    this.lexeme = lexeme;

  Lexer.prototype = {
      constructor: Lexer

    , addRule: function (regex, lexeme) {
        var rule = new Rule (regex, lexeme);
        this.rules.push (rule);

    , setErrorLexeme: function (lexeme) {
        this.errorLexeme = lexeme;

    , runLexeme: function (lexeme, exec) {
        if (typeof lexeme !== "function") {
          return lexeme;
        var args = exec.concat (exec.index, exec.input);
        if (this.useNew) {
          return New.apply (lexeme, args);
        return lexeme.apply (null, args);

    , lex: function (str) {
        var index = 0;
        var lexemes = [];
        if (this.setIndex) {
          lexemes.push = function () {
            for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
              if (arguments [i]) {
                arguments [i] [this.setIndex] = index;
            return Array.prototype.push.apply (this, arguments);
        while (index < str.length) {
          var bestExec = null;
          var bestRule = null;
          for (var i = 0; i < this.rules.length; ++i) {
            var rule = this.rules [i];
            rule.regex.lastIndex = index;
            var exec = rule.regex.exec (str);
            if (exec) {
              var doUpdate = !bestExec 
                || (exec.index < bestExec.index)
                || (exec.index === bestExec.index && exec [0].length > bestExec [0].length)
              if (doUpdate) {
                bestExec = exec;
                bestRule = rule;
          if (!bestExec) {
            if (this.errorLexeme) {
              lexemes.push (this.errorLexeme);
              return lexemes.filter (not (Lexer.NULL_LEXEME));
          else {
            if (this.errorLexeme && index !== bestExec.index) {
              lexemes.push (this.errorLexeme);
            var lexeme = this.runLexeme (bestRule.lexeme, bestExec);
            lexemes.push (lexeme);
          index = bestRule.regex.lastIndex;
        return lexemes.filter (not (Lexer.NULL_LEXEME));
}) ();

if (!Array.prototype.filter) {
  Array.prototype.filter = function (fun) {
    var len = this.length >>> 0;
    var res = [];
    var thisp = arguments [1];
    for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
      if (i in this) {
        var val = this [i];
        if ( (thisp, val, i, this)) {
          res.push (val);
    return res;

Now to use the code for your problem:

function trim (str) {
  str = str.replace (/^\s+/, "");
  str = str.replace (/\s+$/, "");
  return str;

var splitter = new Lexer ();
splitter.setErrorLexeme (Lexer.ERROR_LEXEME);
splitter.addRule (/[^,"]*"[^"]*"[^,"]*/g, trim);
splitter.addRule (/[^,']*'[^']*'[^,']*/g, trim);
splitter.addRule (/[^,"']+/g, trim);
splitter.addRule (/,/g, Lexer.NULL_LEXEME);

var strs = [
    "peanut, butter, jelly"
  , "peanut, 'butter, bread', 'jelly'"
  , 'peanut, "butter, bread", "jelly"'

// NOTE: I'm lazy here, so I'm using, 
//       which isn't supported in all browsers.
var splitStrs = (function (str) {
  return splitter.lex (str);