



So there's this nifty _trackPageview() api method on a tracker object, but is there a corresponding method that can be used to manually track a search? In other words, _trackPageview() reports to GA that a user hit a page. I want something like _trackSearch("terms") that would report to GA that a user searched for something.


Though not exactly what I was looking for, it seems that one can generate virtual page views to track search results programatically.

Suppose that you've set up a Site Search parameter called "q", so that when a URI is tracked that contains q=these+are+some+terms, GA will mark it as a search hit. One can use the _trackPageview() method to generate virtual search hits like so:

Mike Caron

I pass search parameters by GET, so the URL for a search on "TEST" is

Selecting Content -> Site Search from my analytics account gives me a list of all keywords searched.

To learn more, check the documentation, especially the How do I set up Site Search for my profile? page.

I wanted to avoid using GET. I managed to use the onsubmit attribute of the form to fire the javascript I mentioned in my answer.
Mike Caron
Maybe you could make your question more specific then!