Hi, is there a way to attach jsondata to a POST request for loading a store? I know it's possible through a GET request by simply adding params : {data1 : 1, data2 : 2} on the load call, but I've had no success attaching jsondata. I've tried the following and a few variations of it and no luck. I'm using Extjs 2.2 w/ Alfresco
//create store
var memberStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
proxy : new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
url : url/getMembers,
method : 'POST'
fields : ['username'],
root : 'members'
//function that loads store when it is called
function getMembers() {
//params : {action : "getmembers", groupname : "GROUP_Test"}
jsonData : {
action : "getmembers",
groupname : "GROUP_Test"