I'm tryng to use the Brahma library from F# and i need to call a method that takes an Exprssion as parameter and I don't know how to do it.
here is the C# code i'd like to translate :
// Create the computation provider
var computationProvider = new ComputationProvider();
// Create a data-parallel array and fill it with data
var data = new DataParallelArray<float>(computationProvider,
new[] { 0f, 1f, 2f, 3f, 4f, 5f, 6f });
// Compile the query
CompiledQuery query = computationProvider.Compile<DataParallelArray<float>>
d => from value in d
select value * 2f
// Run the query on this data
IQueryable result = computationProvider.Run(query, data);
// Print out the results
foreach (float value in result)
// Get rid of all the stuff we created