


2 I have a page that lists products from a table based on the querystring.

So if I say foo.aspx?fam=1 all the products from family 1 will be listed.

How can I make my code list all the values if query string is empty?

My SQL command would have to be different...can't really see how I can do this.

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="ds_produtos" runat="server" 
   ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:LocalSqlServer2 %>" 

    SelectCommand="SELECT DISTINCT [IdProduct], [Name], [Description], [IdFamily], [Price],  [Stock] FROM [Product] WHERE ([IdFamily] = @IdFamily )">
        <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="IdFamily" QueryStringField="fam" Type="Int32" />
+1  A: 

Change your query to

SELECT DISTINCT [IdProduct], [Name], [Description], [IdFamily], [Price], [Stock] FROM [Product] WHERE ([IdFamily] = @IdFamily OR @IdFamily Is NULL)

and pass null when there is no value specified for fam.

Hmmm... tried that and it didn't worked.
Joao Heleno
Make sure that CancelSelectOnNullParameter is set to false.
+2  A: 

Set a default value for the property so that it has a value when you don't pass any value to the page:

<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="IdFamily" QueryStringField="fam" Type="Int32" DefaultValue="-1" />

Use the default value in the query:

SelectCommand="select IdProduct, [Name], Description, IdFamily, Price, Stock from Product where IdFamily = @IdFamily or @IdFamily = -1"
Works like a charm!
Joao Heleno