You can setup a small batch file to take the output of mysqldump
and upload it on remote FTP server (or simply copy it on a UNC path). It's free, and easy to implement.
Edit: If by "List item" you mean that you want plain text files (not SQL statements), you can also use mysqldump
to achieve that, using the --tab=path
option. This will create a tab seperated list of your values in each table.
Here is an example of a batch script to copy a file via UNC:
@echo off
REM "Create a time signature for the backup"
SET backupTime="%date:~0,2%-%date:~3,2%-%date:~6,6%_%time:~0,2%-%time:~3,2%"
REM "Mount \\REMOTESERVER\MySQLBackup to drive X:"
net use X: \\REMOTESERVER\MySQLBackup
REM "Dump the database to the file."
mysqldump --user=backupuser --password=***** my_db > X:\%backupTime%.sql
REM "Unmount X:"
net use X: /DELETE