I am using "ExuberantCtags" also known as "ctags -e", also known as just "etags"
and I am trying to understand the TAGS file format which is generated by the etags command, in particular I want to understand line #2 of the TAGS file.
Wikipedia says that line #2 is described like this:
In practical terms though TAGS file line:2 for "foo.c" looks like this
My quandary is how exactly does it find this number: 1683
I know it is the size of the "tag_definition" so what I want to know is what is the "tag_definition"?
I have tried looking through the ctags source code, but perhaps someone better at C than me will have more success figuring this out.
EDIT #2:
float foo (float x) {^?foo^A3,20^J
float bar () {^?bar^A7,59^J
int main() {^?main^A11,91^J
Alright, so if I understand correctly, "79" refers to the number of bytes in the TAGS file from after 79 down to and including "91^J".
Makes perfect sense.
Now the numbers 20, 59, 91 in this example wikipedia says refer to the {byte_offset}
What is the {byte_offset} offset from?
Thanks for all the help Ken!