What exactly does the "Updates Frequently" option in Interface Builder do? Does it optimize the NIB for frequent updates somehow?
Note that you're looking at the Accessibility options.
See the UIAccessibility Protocol Reference:
UIAccessibilityTraitUpdatesFrequently The accessibility element frequently updates its label or value.
You can use this trait to characterize an accessibility element that updates its label or value too often to send update notifications. Including this trait allows an assistive application to avoid handling continual notifications and, instead, poll for changes when it needs updated information. For example, you might use this trait to characterize the readout of a stopwatch.
Available in iPhone OS 3.0 and later.
Declared in UIAccessibilityConstants.h.
I've never needed to mess with this personally, but I think the idea is that if you had a button that had its label flash between "all" "your" base" etc every second, this would keep the voiceover thing from constantly babbling out the new word every second.