I have a data structure (which is a class) called user_class and I want to load all the users data from a database.
Currently I have
While SQLreader.Read()
Hold_user.username = SQLreader(0)
Hold_user.BlahBlahBlah = SQLreader(1)
Hold_user.Secret_Password = SQLreader(2)
End While
Where return_value is a List of user_class and hold_user is an instance of the same class.
Dim return_value As New List(Of user_class)
Dim Hold_user As New user_class
As the while statement loops through the read data, SQLreader(0),(1) and (2) are updated with new data, however they also appear to be updating the stored values held in return_value....
Is entanglement a bug in Visual Studio or do I need something like ByVal, in the Add method (I know it's not ByVal I need as i've tried that :) but I hope you get what I mean. )