What I want is selecting the univirsities where student satisfy major high school type ,min gpa, min general tests scores (Qiyas and Tahsiely) and some other subjects (courses) scores.
here is the database(SQLSERVER) http://sites.google.com/site/famu79/db.zip
I tried this SQL Code
FROM univirsities
WHERE ( univirsities.uni_id IN (
SELECT UnivsTDepts.uni_id
FROM UnivsTDepts
WHERE UnivsTDepts.thanawiDeptsID = ( SELECT stu_major
FROM students
WHERE students.stun_id = 1054545454
AND UnivsTDepts.major_id = 17
) ) )
AND ( students.stu_gpa >= ( SELECT uni_majors.min_gpa
FROM uni_majors
WHERE uni_majors.uni_id = univirsities.uni_id
AND uni_majors.major_id = 17
AND students.stun_id = 1054545454
) )
My Question is:
Am I on the correct way for getting what I want and How to check for major courses requirements which is stored in major_requirements table?