




When I get an access token from Twitter I get something like the following:


What is the oauth_token_secret? Is that what is used to sign protected requests or is the consumer_key still used.

+3  A: 

The short answer is: The oauth_token and the oauth_token_secret both make up the Request token which is used to sign requests.

Here are some resources which might help:

This is not the consumer key. The consumer key is only used for identifying the consumer (= the code which calls Twitter) while the Request Token is bound to the user. The Request Token consists then of a public and a secret part which are both used for signing the request as explained in the specification in section 9.

But you probably want to use one of the libraries and have a look at the examples.

Sure enough, staring me right in the face in section 9.2. I kept "seeing" Consumer Secret and skipped right over the Token Secret. The OAuth specification is a pretty easy read and I still managed to skip past it. Thanks.As an aside, I discovered that you don't need the token_secret to get an access token in twitter. Probably a bug and it's what caused my confusion in the first place I suspect.
Mike Ward

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