I have a progress bar shown as I am loading images with the webclient object asynchronously. Once the images have been downloaded I set the loadingComplete bool property to True in my viewmodel to indicate that the loading process has been completed. Currently I am using this value for an attached property to set focus on a control.
What I want is to collapse the progress bar control and then show the images.
What I want to know is what is the best way to do this and what are the pros and cons of the following methods?
Should I
1) create a LoadingOpacity bool property on viewmodel which I can then set to set opacity of the progress bar to 0.0 (this would be set when loadingComplete is set)?
2) Or Should I create a Converter (IValueConverter) and use the loadingComplete property to convert this to a Visibility.Collapsed value. This way I do not need any extra properties in my view model?
3) Or should I create a collapsed property on the view model and bind that to the visibility property of the progress bar?
4) or is/are there other ways to do this?
Thanks JD