I want to use the Microsoft.MediaCenter.TV.Scheduling namespace in my C# windows media center project but it's not showing up in the Add Reference dialog in Visual Studio.
Where can I find the right DLL to reference?
I want to use the Microsoft.MediaCenter.TV.Scheduling namespace in my C# windows media center project but it's not showing up in the Add Reference dialog in Visual Studio.
Where can I find the right DLL to reference?
I was able to get the right reference by browsing for: %windir%\ehome\ehRecObj.dll
(info from http://thegreenbutton.com/forums/p/62380/329111.aspx)
Yep... Thats right.... Just remember that if you include a reference to the version for Xp then it wont work on Vista or Windows 7.... So make sure the is a late bound reference and isnt shipped with any software you write..