



As an exercise I am working on a parallel implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes. As part of that I am implementing a sequence of bitmaps, using one bit per number to save memory. Reading bits one at a time appear to work fine, but setting them is slow, especially when I use large binaries.

getBit(Bin, N, Size)->
    <<_:N,Bit:1,_:R>> = Bin,

setBit(Bin, N, Size)->
    <<A:N,_:1,B:R>> = Bin,

Is there a way to do this well in functional Erlang, perhaps similar to how Arrays work? I have read about hipe_bifs:bytearray_update but would prefer to keep my coding style functional.

+1  A: 

Generally one can not do it better then with complexity of O(log(n)) for both get and set operations, since Erlang is functional language. You can archive O(log(n)) using some type of trees. array, dict, gb_trees and gb_sets modules does this.

So if you need to make it as fast as possible you have to go imperative - you could try hipe_bifs module, process dictionary and ets tables.

Thanks, I found hipe_bifs:bitarray, bitarray_sub and bitarray_update. I guess I have to use those for the sieve and then use it to nudge the developers of Erlang to include the optimization in the system so I can use functional style with efficient execution. Process dictionary I don't see point of here and ets tables are not a good match.
+1  A: 

You can store your bitmaps as integers (if they are not longer than ~1000 bits):

-export([get_bit/2, set_bit/2]).

get_bit(N, B) -> N band bit_to_int(B) > 0.
set_bit(N, B) -> N bor bit_to_int(B).

bit_to_int(B) -> 1 bsl B.

You might try your version w/o passing the Size, and padding to bytes:

getBit(Bin, N)->
    <<_:N/bitstring,Bit:1,_/bitstring>> = Bin,

setBit(Bin, N)->
    <<A:N,_:1,B/bitstring>> = Bin,

setBit(Bin, N)->
    PSize = 8 - ((N + 1) rem 8),
    <<A:N,_:1, Pad:PSize,B/bytes>> = Bin,

Can be better or worse :-)

Doesn't work cause floats can't be big enough.Changing from using floats to 1 bsl B. It is slightly faster but needs more memory, so I can't store as many bits and is still O(n).Is still a good idea and might work if Erlang bignums handled powers of two specially. (as Erlang might do while allowing the programmer to use a functional style)