i have a huge site, with more than 5 millions url.
We have already pagerank 7/10. The problem is that because of 5 millions url and because we add/remove new urls daily (we add ± 900 and we remove ± 300) google is not fast enough to index all of them. We have a huge and intense perl module to generate this sitemap that normally is composed by 6 sitemap files. For sure google is not faster enough to add all urls, specially because normally we recreate all those sitemaps daily and submit to google. My question is: what should be a better approach? Should i really care to send 5 millions urls to google daily even if i know that google wont be able to process? Or should i send just permalinks that wont change and the google crawler will found the rest, but at least i will have a concise index at google (today i have less than 200 from 5.000.000 urls indexed)