



So far I've figured out how to pass Unicode strings, bSTRs, to and from a Euphoria DLL using a Typelib. What I can't figure out, thus far, is how to create and pass back an array of BSTRs.

The code I have thus far (along with includes for EuCOM itself and parts of Win32lib):

global function REALARR()
  sequence seq
  atom psa
  atom var
  seq = { "cat","cow","wolverine" }
  psa = create_safearray( seq, VT_BSTR )
  make_variant( var, VT_ARRAY + VT_BSTR, psa )
  return var
end function

Part of the typelib is:

     helpstring("get an array of strings"), 
  void __stdcall REALARR( [out,retval] VARIANT* res );

And the test code, in VB6 is:

Dim v() as String

So far all I've managed to get is an error '0' from the DLL. Any ideas? Anyone?


I've been in touch with the Euphoria people via their forum, and have gotten this far. The routine is failing on the the make_variant line. I haven't figured it out any further than that and neither have they.

global function REALARR() 
  atom psa 
  atom var 
  atom bounds_ptr 
  atom dim 
  atom bstr 
  object void 

  dim = 1 
  bounds_ptr = allocate( 8 * dim ) -- now figure out which part is Extent and which is LBound 
  poke4( bounds_ptr, { 3, 0 } ) -- assuming Extent and LBound in that order 

  psa = c_func( SafeArrayCreate, { VT_BSTR, 1, bounds_ptr } ) 

  bstr = alloc_bstr( "cat" ) 
  poke4( bounds_ptr, 0 ) 
  void = c_func( SafeArrayPutElement, {psa, bounds_ptr, bstr}) 
  free_bstr( bstr ) 

  bstr = alloc_bstr( "cow" ) 
  poke4( bounds_ptr, 1 ) 
  void = c_func( SafeArrayPutElement, {psa, bounds_ptr, bstr}) 
  free_bstr( bstr ) 

  bstr = alloc_bstr( "wolverine" ) 
  poke4( bounds_ptr, 2 ) 
  void = c_func( SafeArrayPutElement, {psa, bounds_ptr, bstr}) 
  free_bstr( bstr ) 

  make_variant( var, VT_ARRAY + VT_BSTR, psa )  
  return var 
end function

Okay, var hasn't been initialised. Not that it matters as the routine still crashes. Nevertheless, one needs a

var = allocate( 16 )

just before the make_variant

+1  A: 

You should use the create_safearray() function. It's documented (hidden?) under Utilities. Basically, put your BSTR pointers into a sequence and pass it to create_safearray():

sequence s, bstrs
s = {"A", "B"}
bstrs = {}
for i = 1 to length(s) do
    bstrs &= alloc_bstr( s[i] )
end for

atom array
array = create_safearray( bstrs, VT_BSTR )


destroy_safearray( array )
Matt Lewis
Thanks, Matt, I've give it a go.