



I'm now in love with Tcl/Tk because of the flexibility and easy way to do the things, but I like to learn by books, then I want some book recommendation to learn.

+5  A: 

These are probably the two best out there, I own both of them, and they are both pretty much equally useful, though the former's 2nd edition was published just last year, and the latter back in 2003. The former also was co-authored by the creator of Tcl, though I'm not sure how involved he was with last year's 2nd edition

George Jempty
He wasn't involved in the second edition - I know because I was :-)
David N. Welton
+1  A: 

There is also several electronic tcl tutorials. For instance, there is an introductory interactive Tcl Tutor, which has quite a number of lessons that you work your way through within a program, trying out examples, etc. There are also a number of web pages with tutorials - one in particular at the tcl sourceforge site provides a re-working of the text from Tcl Tutor, expanded to cover more topics relating to Tcl 8.5.
