First decide what trends you are most interested in. Perhaps looking at some existing web analytics software - there is free software available - to see what options exist.
If your requirements are simple, you have enough data. If you want a breakdown of which countries are accessing your website, you need to log IP addresses and get a database that ties IP ranges to countries - these are not 100% reliable but will get you fairly good accuracy.
Some simple examples of reporting you can do with your current data:
- Number of hits per hour, day, week, month
- Top 20 accessed pages
- Top Users
- Number of users accessing the site per hour, day, week, month
- etc.
Most of these you can pull with a single SQL query using the group by clause and date functions.
Example MS SQL Server query to achieve hits per day (untested):
SELECT COUNT(RequestID) AS NumberOfHits,
YEAR(LoggedDate) AS EventYear,
MONTH(LoggedDate) AS EventMonth,
DAY(LoggedDate) AS EventDay
FROM MyTable
GROUP BY YEAR(LoggedDate), MONTH(LoggedDate), DAY(LoggedDate)
ORDER BY YEAR(LoggedDate), MONTH(LoggedDate), DAY(LoggedDate)