




Where can I find the source of the soap server in rebol mentioned here: http://www.rebolplanet.com/zine/rzine-1-02/#sect6.

the link http://www.compkarori.co.nz/reb/discordian.txt doesn't work any more.

+1  A: 

Whenever you have this sort of question, try pasting the URL into the search box of archive.org (The Internet Archive).

In this case, a copy of the file was snapshotted in 2004:


(You might let the operators of the site know the %reb/ directory is missing, since the others in the set are still there.)

Hostile Fork
Thanks, I will think about it next time.
Rebol Tutorial
+1  A: 

It's also on my other site http://www.compkarori.com/reb/discordian.txt

Graham Chiu
Great, Thanks !
Rebol Tutorial
Hi Graham, I tested it by calling from a Visual Studio program it doesn't work any idea ?http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2757695/webservice-works-with-soapsonar-but-not-with-visual-studio-winform
Rebol Tutorial