For a custom action, I'm setting to Name to XmlPreprocess.exe (a CodePlex utility)
and arguments to: /x:"[SETTINGSFILE]" /i:"[TARGETDIR]web.config" /e:[ENVIRONMENTBUTTON] [CUSTOMSETTINGS] >[TARGETDIR]XmlPreProcess.log
SETTINGSFILE is supposed to be coming from a custom form page I added, and ENVIRONMENTBUTTON is the value of one of my radio buttons.
Is there any way to get the redirect to work? It's not creating the .log file. Is there any other way to see the results of the custom action? How can I even confirm if it ran? What if I would like to see what parms were sent to it?
Update 3: - For more scenarios of what I have tried, see here:
Update: I just wrote a quickie VBScript to verify my parms.
dim fso, oFile
set fso = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set oFile = fso.CreateTextFile("VBScriptOut.txt")
if WScript.Arguments.Count < 2 then
oFile.Writeline("Number of arguments was only = " & WScript.Arguments.Count)
oFile.WriteLine("SETTINGSFILE=" & WScript.Arguments.Item(0))
oFile.WriteLine("ENVIRONMENTBUTTON=" & WScript.Arguments.Item(1))
end if
No VBScriptout.txt was created, so I don't think it even ran (so my guess is the XmlPreprocess isn't even running either).
I included the InstalLVerification.vbs file as a Custom Action under "Install". I set the condition= True in the properties window. I set CustomActionData to: "[SETTINGSFILE]" [ENVIRONMENTBUTTON]
Update 2: I realized now Condition should not be "True". I either blank it out or set it to "Not Installed".
I'm getting an unexplained error on XmlPreprocess, and I cannot get the VBScript to run. I tried running it also with CScript64.exe.