
When I run into trouble like that, the first thing I twiddle with is the cascade option.

Hi Ken, thanks. I have tried all the possible options from that article. I think maybe my solution is incorrect.
Daoming Yang

As far as I know, the mapping is correct (I'm using mapping files that look exactly the same). The problem is the cascade attribute: the "all" option forces NHibernate to propagate each action on an entity to the instances of the collection. In your case, when you delete a news item all related tags are deleted too.

You probably should use "none" (in that case you'll eventually end up with some unused tags in the database) or "delete-orphans" (on the news item side - use "none" on the tag side).

Hi Lck, I have tried your suggestion and got the following errors: "object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing." Any thoughts?
Daoming Yang
Yes, forgot about that. Since NHibernate isn't cascading updates to the collection, the Tag instances will not be updated. If you add a new tag to the collection, that instance will not be persisted and NHibernate will fail trying to create a link to it. The solution in this case is to manually SaveOrUpdate() each tag instance when you persist a news item.Kind of clunky, but it's a trade-off: other cascade settings persist entities automatically but can cause other issues.

Use the cascade option "save-update".

The option "all" will cascade deletes, which you do not want in this case. But you the option "none" will require that the Tag entity is already persisted which I guess might not always be the case.

So by setting the cascade to "save-update" new Tags till be inserted in the Tags table and in the link table News_Tags, but when you remove a tag from a News entity it will only be removed from the link table not the Tags table.

Hi Torkel, I have tried your solution which to set the cascade="save-update" for news mapping and tag maping. It has two problem: 1. when I do news update including the tag updating. It did updates, but it did not remove the old tag from the link table; 2. When I try to delete the news it gave me the error: "deleted object would be re-saved by cascade (remove deleted object from associations)". I'm very confusing about this. Any other thoughts?
Daoming Yang