



Hey, I'm trying to work out what event I need to bind to and what property I need to use to get a reference to the DOM element for the dropped item (That is the item in the receiving list.

Here's what I have so far...

<ul id="toolbox">
<ul id="existing">
<script language="javascript">
        revert: true
    $('#toolbox li').draggable({
        connectToSortable: '#existing',
        helper: 'clone',
        revert: 'invalid',

My objective is to turn, for example, A into something else once it's dropped into the #existing ul (Anything else will suffice - the real implementation is far more complex. I just need to get my hands on that DOM element).

I have tried the following as the receive for my sortable:

function receive(ev, ui)

But this appears to be the #existing UL, sender and item are both the li that was dragged in toolbox. What I'm looking for is the newly created li inside #existing. Is there a property or another event which will give me what I'm after?

+1  A: 

I recently had the same issue. I solved it with the following:

    drop: function(e, ui) {
        // ui.draggable is the node that gets created in #existing
        // ui.draggable[0].originDragger is the node that was 
        // dragged from #toolbox
    revert: true
Justin Johnson
Hey, thanks for the info, I didn't realize you could stack a droppable on the sortable to get the extra events. I ended up taking a different tact in the end by putting a CSS class on the source that I could detect and remove once it moved over, but this is a cleaner answer and I'll probably look towards implementing this instead if I have time.
Tim Schneider
Glad I could help
Justin Johnson

do not bind to sortreceive, instead bind to sortout like so

$("#sortable").bind('sortout', function(event, ui) {


$("#sortable").sortable({ //during initialization
  out:function(event, ui) {

in this case ui.item will be the element you are looking for

SortOut is when something leaves a sortable. I assume you're meaning to bind it to the other sortable, but in this case the other side is only a draggable (And intentionally not a sortable) so this won't work. Thanks though.
Tim Schneider
+1  A: 

I haven't tried either of these, but in theory, they seem like they would work. First, if you made the ul#existing also a droppable, you could do something on the drop event, such as get the info you need from that li, like it's text(), remove that object from the DOM and generate a new element.

Orrr, you could do something on the stop event of your draggable, like check whether the elements parents are now ul#existing. Hope this helps.
