hi there,
I have the following code wich causes an Update on the DB as calling Commit().
using (ISession t = DBSessionManager.GetDBSessionController(Database).GetDBSession())
using (var tx = t.BeginTransaction())
var o = t.Linq<Appendix>();
var ret = (from ss in o where ss.AppendixHierachy.id == hierarchyId select ss).ToList();
return ret;
//this hql also causes the updates
string hqlString = "select a from Appendix as a join fetch a.Language as l join fetch a.MifidCompliance as mifid left join fetch a.Instruments i left join a.IBAppendix as ib where a.AppendixHierachy = " + hierarchyId;
IQuery query = t.CreateQuery(hqlString);
var items = query.List<Appendix>();
return (List<Appendix>)items;
It seems to update with Commit all the appendix which fullfill the restriction.(NH Profiler)
UPDATE appendix
SET appendix = '0x255044462D312E340A25C7E461215928AE3FBD7DF6F17204439AE9AF...' /* @p0_0 */, creatorEmpId = 0 /* @p1_0 */,
disclaimerOffset = 0 /* @p2_0 */,
fileExtension = 'PDF' /* @p3_0 */,
publishedDate = '2008-10-02T18:34:50.00' /* @p4_0 */,
reportPositionId = 0 /* @p5_0 */,
summary = ' summaryText...' /* @p6_0 */,
thumbnail = '0xFFD8...' /* @p7_0 */,
title = 'Nitto Denko - Upgrade: Pessimism already priced in' /* @p8_0 */,
appendixHierarchyId = 12 /* @p9_0 */,
languageId = 101 /* @p10_0 */,
MifidComplianceId = 110 /* @p11_0 */
WHERE id = 337815 /* @p12_0 */
Why is that? If the is some IBAppendix available then it works without updates: Here is the mapping:
public class IBAppendixMap : ClassMap<IBAppendix>
public IBAppendixMap()
Id(x => x.id).GeneratedBy.Foreign("Appendix");
Map(x => x.RIXMLProductID);
References(x => x.Appendix).Column("Appendix_id");
public class AppendixMap : ClassMap<Appendix>
public AppendixMap ()
Id(x => x.id).GeneratedBy.Custom(typeof(ATKIdGenerator), a => a.AddParam("TableName", "appendix"));
References(x => x.AppendixHierachy).Column("appendixHierarchyId").Not.Nullable();
Map(x => x.appendix);
Map(x => x.creatorEmpId);
Map(x => x.disclaimerOffset);
Map(x => x.fileExtension);
References(x => x.Language).Column("languageId");
References(x => x.MifidCompliance).Column("MifidComplianceId");
Map(x => x.publishedDate);
Map(x => x.reportPositionId);
Map(x => x.summary).Length(7000);
Map(x => x.thumbnailbyte).Column("thumbnail");
Map(x => x.title);
HasManyToMany(x => x.Instruments).Table("instAppendix").ParentKeyColumn("appendixId").ChildKeyColumn("instId");
HasOne( x => x.IBAppendix).Cascade.All();
I never expected that some simple select would cause an update on the db! Has anyone ideas why that is?