



Here is the error:

Please help, here is my code: what can I do to solve this error

        If MessageBox.Show("Save and update database?", _
        "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = _
        Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes Then
            Dim idXs As Integer
            Dim dSet As New DataSet
            Dim conn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
            Dim strSQL As String

            conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=F:\ACCESS DATABASE\search.mdb"

            strSQL = "Select * From GH"
            Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter
            da = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(strSQL, conn)
            da.Fill(dSet, "GH") 'fill dataset

            'code for editing records
            Dim cb As New OleDbCommandBuilder(da)
            idXs = Form1.idX 'retrieve index from Form1
            dSet.Tables("GH").Rows(idXs).Item(0) = TextBox1.Text
            dSet.Tables("GH").Rows(idXs).Item(1) = TextBox2.Text
            dSet.Tables("GH").Rows(idXs).Item(2) = TextBox3.Text
            dSet.Tables("GH").Rows(idXs).Item(3) = TextBox4.Text
            da.Update(dSet, "GH") 'update database

            conn.Close() 'close connection
            reloadMyMain() 'show new changes in form1 if any
            DSET.RejectChanges() 'cancel delete
        End If
    Catch ex As Exception
        MsgBox(ex.ToString) 'show exception message
    End Try
+2  A: 

you need to check the table in the DB - one of the columns is either indexed and can only contain unique values, or has some other limitation.

you enter a data into that column that it can not hold.

Try to "UPDATE" the Data Manually directly on the table and you will see what is wrong...


It seems you just don't have the file F:\ACCESS DATABASE\search.mdb.

Check the path to your access database file.


The error message that you point to reads:

'F:\ACCESS DATABASE\search.mdb' is not a valid path.

Apparently you mistyped the path to the db in the conn.ConnectString = ... line.

Roland Bouman
no because its the same code that I used for adding entries, and it worked. The only difference is the command builder part and the .update