Hi all,
I have an interesting problem. I need to analyse a source code and to determine the types of variables before it is compiled. So, Reflection cannot be used!
There are only five types:
double x = 1.23;
long x = 3;
string s='Hello World!'
bool b=true
object[] A = [1, 1+2, 'Hello', s]
An example of cource code:
for (i=0; i < 5; i++)
tesstClass.Str = 'sss';
I decided to use regular expressions to solve the problem.
First, I find all pieces of code with the desirable variable (expressions with it) as follows:
string pattern = variable + @"[\w.]*\s*[-*+/]?=\s*[\w\s+'*/-]*\s*;";
MatchCollection mc = Regex.Matches(code, pattern);
Second, I analyse each Match using 5 regular expressions (one for each type):
string stringPattern = @"'[^'\r\n]*'"; //String;
string doublePattern = @"\b[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\b"; //Double
string longPattern = @"[-+]?\b\d+\b"; // Integer with a sign
string boolPattern = @"\b(false|true)\b"; // Boolean
string arrayPattern = @"\[([\w']*\s*,?\s*)*\]"; // Array
I am very bad in regular expressions. So I've defined a set of very simple r. expressions. Can you help me to refine them.