



I have a simple page inside a master page (well, in a master in a master).

In the top master I have the head tag with runat="server", with a number of bits such as scripts, stylesheets, etc. and also a contentplaceholder. There is no title tag here.

In the page that uses this master, the content for the placeholder contains the <title>pagename</title> bit in it. I really have to set it in there.

Unfortunately when the page is rendered I get my title which is all good, but also get a second blank title tag - I presume dumped in there by .NET.

Is there any way of stopping this second title tag coming out?

+1  A: 

You don't have to manually insert <title> to the head.
Just set Page.Title = "title" by code, or <%@ Page Title="My Title" .. %> by markup. ASP.NET will figure out the rest, and put the right title.

+1  A: 

From memory, by virtue of putting the runat="server" on the <head> .Net automagically adds a <title> if there isn't one already.

I think (haven't tested it) is if in your masterpage you do

<head runat="server">
<title runat="server" visible="false"></title>

setting the Title tag explicitly in the Head of the masterpage and setting visibility to false works. I think.

cunning, didnt try that, although i suspect it would work.ended up adding a seperate contentplaceholder for the title in the top master<title><placeholder here</title> finethanks anyhow