Is it acceptable to cache an instance of the database connection on application start?
Looking at the MSDN documentation on thread safety, I quote:
Any public static [...] members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.
Given that, is it acceptable/safe for code such as this example below:
public static class BookingMapper
public static Database Db { get; set; }
static BookingMapper()
Db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
public static string GetBooking(int id)
using (DbCommand cmd = Db.GetStoredProcCommand("getBooking"))
Db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Id", DbType.Int32, id);
using (IDataReader dr = Db.ExecuteReader(cmd))
If it is acceptable, what are the benefits/drawbacks of using such an approach over simply instantiating the Database on every single method call?
Thanks in advance.
Further research has pointed me to a article which, in the Putting the Database Factory to Use
section suggests that this is acceptable. But I'm still wondering if there are pros/cons to doing it this way?