It's almost impossible to introduce a new methodology without specifically referring to problems with the old methodology and how the new methodology is going to fix those problems.
In reality, you probably need to offer a bunch of choices, and then end with recommending your favourite. Come prepared with a good explanation of why it is your favourite, and with a really good knowledge of the weaknesses of your chosen methodology.
And make sure that you're not confusing the strength of your feeling for the strength of your argument, and that you're not trying to pass off personal value choices and cultural attachments as objective technical evaluations. Your colleagues aren't stupid - they will know if you're doing this, and they'll quickly flip the bozo bit on you.
If you want to get philosophical about this, communication doesn't actually depend on eloquence, rhetoric, or articulation, but on the emotional context in which the message is being heard. People can only hear you when they are moving towards you, not when your words are pursuing them.