


+2  Q: 

SQL Pivot question

I'm having a hard time getting my head around a query im trying to build with SQL Server 2005.

I have a table, lets call its sales:

SaleId (int) (pk) EmployeeId (int) SaleDate(datetime)

I want to produce a report listing the total number of sales by an employee for each day in a given data range.

So, for example I want the see all sales in December 1st 2009 - December 31st 2009 with an output like:

EmployeeId  Dec1   Dec2 Dec3   Dec4

1            10    10    1     20
2            25    10    2      2

..etc however the dates need to be flexible.

I've messed around with using pivot but cant quite seem to get it, any ideas welcome!

+4  A: 

Here's a complete example. You can change the date range to fit your needs.

use sandbox;
create table sales (SaleId int primary key, EmployeeId int, SaleAmt float, SaleDate date);

insert into sales values (1,1,10,'2009-12-1');
insert into sales values (2,1,10,'2009-12-2');
insert into sales values (3,1,1,'2009-12-3');
insert into sales values (4,1,20,'2009-12-4');

insert into sales values (5,2,25,'2009-12-1');
insert into sales values (6,2,10,'2009-12-2');
insert into sales values (7,2,2,'2009-12-3');
insert into sales values (8,2,2,'2009-12-4');

      (SELECT EmployeeID, DATEPART(d, SaleDate) SaleDay, SaleAmt
                  FROM sales
                  WHERE SaleDate between '20091201' and '20091204'
                  ) src
PIVOT (SUM(SaleAmt) FOR SaleDay
IN ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11],[12],[13],[14],[15],[16],[17],[18],[19],[20],[21],[22],[23],[24],[25],[26],[27],[28],[29],[30],[31])) AS pvt;

Results (actually 31 columns (for all possible month days) will be listed, but I'm just showing first 4):

EmployeeID      1       2       3       4
1               10      10      1       20
2               25      10      2       2
hey that's neat...i couldn't figure out how to get the columns to be generated dynamically - seems like you did, kudos!
Roland Bouman
@Roland Bouman - thanks :)
+1  A: 

I tinkered a bit, and I think this is how you can do it with PIVOT:

select  employeeid
,       [2009/12/01] as Dec1
,       [2009/12/02] as Dec2
,       [2009/12/03] as Dec3
,       [2009/12/04] as Dec4
from    sales pivot (
        for saledate
        in ([2009/12/01],[2009/12/02],[2009/12/03],[2009/12/04])
    ) as pvt

(this is my table:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[sales](
[saleid] [int] NULL,
[employeeid] [int] NULL,
[saledate] [date] NULL

data is: 10 rows for '2009/12/01' for emp1, 25 rows for '2009/12/01' for emp2, 10 rows for '2009/12/02' for emp1, etc.)

Now, i must say, this is the first time I used PIVOT and perhaps I am not grasping it, but this seems pretty useless to me. I mean, what good is it to have a crosstab if you cannot do anything to specify the columns dynamically?

EDIT: ok- dcp's answer does it. The trick is, you don't have to explicitly name the columns in the SELECT list, * will actually correctly expand to a column for the first 'unpivoted' column, and a dynamically generated column for each value that appears in the FOR..IN clause in the PIVOT construct.

Roland Bouman
All potential items do have to be listed in the FOR..IN clause. You're right, it is not dynamic. But when I see PIVOT used in a SQL statement, I know what it is trying to do. Otherwise, a bunch of Case statements could be trying to do anything (Oh I forgot, just look at the documentation.). Nice first attempt. +1
Jeff O
Thanks GuinnessFan. Yes, I am familiar with the CASE statements to do the same thing in MySQL. But still, it's nice to be able to have explicit syntax for this. THanks again! Cheers
Roland Bouman
This is perfect, thank you.