It sounds like what you want to do is to use QScriptEngine::evaluate() on that file defining the function (passed in as script text) and then invoke it with QScriptEngine::call(). No signals or slots necessary.
Something along these lines (untested):
QScriptEngine engine;
// Use evaluate to get a QScriptValue that holds the function
QScriptValue functionSV = engine.evaluate(
"function cube(x) { return x * x * x; }"
// Build an argument list of QScriptValue types to proxy the C++
// types into a format that the script engine can understand
QScriptValueList argsSV;
argsSV << 3;
// Make an empty script value for "this" object when we invoke
// cube(), since it's a global function
QScriptValue thisSV ();
// Call the function, getting back a ScriptValue
QScriptValue resultSV =, argsSV);
if (engine.hasUncaughtException() || !resultSV.isNumber()) {
// The code had an uncaught exception or didn't return
// the type you were expecting.
// (...error handling...)
} else {
// Convert the result to a C++ type
int result = resultSv.toInt();
// ( whatever you want to do w/the result...)
Note that there's a lot of converting back and forth you'll have to do. If you just want regular expressions in Qt, they already exist: QRegExp
. There's a demo included in the samples: