



I recently switched from swfobject 1.5 (or was it 1.6) to swfobject 2.2

That means my call to display the Flash file went essentially from:

var so = new SWFObject("flashfile.swf", "flashfile", "300", "140", "8", "#FFFFFF");


swfobject.embedSWF("flashfile.swf", "div1", "300", "140", "8.0.0", false, flashvars, { bgcolor: "#FFFFFF", wmode: "transparent" });

The old stuff worked just fine. When I made the switch, the new version didn't work on a machine where I THINK I had Flash 9 installed. After installing Flash 10 on that machine, the new stuff worked fine too. That makes me think I had the swfobject, Flash, etc all OK.

But now I'm worried. I only need Flash 8 or newer to play my .swf file. But something about Flash 9 wasn't good enough and I don't understand why. A customer has recently run into the same issue, and I'll bet upgrading to Flash 10 fixes it.

Is there any way to get error/logging info back from swfobject about why it failed to render/load/embed a .swf file?

Does swfobject 2.2 have a dependency on Flash 10? (I thought it just needed Flash 6.x or newer).

Thanks for any ideas.