You might consider using an object to manage the NIL'ing of the event and restoring the previously installed event handler. It's a little dangerous to assume that the event to be restored just happens to be the one assigned at design-time/which happens to have the "name that fits" - you should always save/restore the currently assigned handler, just to be safe.
This would provide an even more re-usable utility than the SetTextWithoutOnChange() routine:
TSuspendEvent = class
fObject: TObject;
fEvent: String;
fHandler: TMethod;
constructor Create(const aObject: TObject; aEvent: String);
destructor Destroy; override;
constructor TSuspendEvent.Create(const aObject: TObject; aEvent: String);
NILEvent : TMethod = (Code: NIL; Data: NIL);
inherited Create;
fObject := aObject;
fEvent := aEvent;
fHandler := GetMethodProp(aObject, aEvent);
SetMethodProp(aObject, aEvent, NILEvent);
destructor TSuspendEvent.Destroy;
SetMethodProp(fObject, fEvent, fHandler);
In usage, this would look something like:
with TSuspendEvent.Create(Edit1, 'OnChange') do
Edit1.Text := 'Reset!';
For the "Thou shalt not use 'with' crowd" - by all means declare yourself an additional local variable and use that if it will help you sleep easier at night. :)
Or, to make it even more convenient to use and eliminate "with", I would make the TSuspendEvent class an interfaced object and wrap its use in a function that yielded an interface reference to it that could be allowed to "live in scope", as exemplified by my AutoFree() implementation. In fact, you could use AutoFree() as-is to manage this already:
AutoFree(TSuspendEvent.Create(Edit1, 'OnChange'));
Edit1.Text := 'Reset!';
Dsabling events for a period that extends beyond the scope of a single procedure requires more management than any helper utilities are likely to be able to provide in a generic fashion I think, at least not without also having specific means for restoring events explicitly, rather than automatically.
If you simply wrapped TSuspendEvent inside it's own interface yielding function, following the same pattern as AutoFree() you could simplify this further to:
SuspendEvent(Edit1, 'OnChange');
Edit1.Text := 'Reset!';
As a final note, I think it should be fairly easy to see how this could be quite simply extended to support suspending multiple events on an object in a single call, if required, for example:
SuspendEvent(Edit1, ['OnChange', 'OnEnter']);