I'm trying out the DateTime.TryParseExact
method, and I have come over a case that I just don't get. I have some formats and some subjects to parse that each should match one of the formats perfectly:
var formats = new[]
var subjects = new[]
I then try to parse them all and print out the results:
foreach(var subject in subjects)
DateTime result;
DateTime.TryParseExact(subject, formats,
out result);
Console.WriteLine("{0,-6} : {1}",
result.ToString("T", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
I get the following:
1 : 01:00:00
12 : 12:00:00
123 : 00:00:00
1234 : 12:34:00
12345 : 00:00:00
123456 : 12:34:56
And to my question... why is it failing on 123 and 12345? Shouldn't those have become 01:23:00 and 01:23:45? What am I missing here? And how can I get it to work as I would expect it to?
Update: So, seems like we might have figured out why this is failing sort of. Seems like the H
is actually grabbing two digits and then leaving just one for the mm
, which would then fail. But, does anyone have a good idea on how I can change this code so that I would get the result I am looking for?
Another update: Think I've found a reasonable solution now. Added it as an answer. Will accept it in 2 days unless someone else come up with an even better one. Thanks for the help!