At a minimum the inner loop can be replaced with:
this will provide substantial performance improvement. You might then consider using arrayfun:
M = arrayfun(@(wi)( sum( x <= wi ) ), w);
arrayfun is less likely to provide substantial gains over the outer for loop but might be worth a try.
edit: I should note that neither w
or x
need to be sorted for this operation to work correctly.
edit: fwiw, I decided to do some actual performance testing, so I ran this program:
n = 100000;
m = n;
N = n + m;
x = rand(n, 1);
w = [x; rand(m, 1)];
M = zeros(N,1);
for i = 1:N
for j = 1:n
if x(j) <= w(i)
M(i) = M(i) + 1;
perf = toc;
fprintf(1, 'Original : %4.3f sec\n', perf);
w = sort(w); % presorted, so don't incur time cost;
M = histc(-x(:)',[-fliplr(w(:)') inf]);
M = cumsum(fliplr(M(1:N)))';
perf = toc;
fprintf(1, 'gnovice : %4.3f sec\n', perf);
M = zeros(N,1);
for i = 1:N
perf = toc;
fprintf(1, 'mine/loop : %4.3f sec\n', perf);
M = arrayfun(@(wi)( sum( x <= wi ) ), w);
perf = toc;
fprintf(1, 'mine/arrayfun : %4.3f sec\n', perf);
and got these results for n = 1000:
Original : 0.086 sec
gnovice : 0.002 sec
mine/loop : 0.042 sec
mine/arrayfun : 0.070 sec
and for n = 100000:
Original : too long to tell ( >> 1m )
gnovice : 0.050 sec
mine/loop : too long to tell ( >> 1m )
mine/arrayfun : too long to tell ( >> 1m )