




Can anyone provide me link or Ebooks of ABAP Ecc.6 or the way to fine them for Associalte Level exam preparation.


Well, before trying to answer the question we have to get some termonology right ...

SAP ECC stands for SAP ERP Central Component, which can be compared to the old R/3 SAP application system. This is not the level where the ABAP language is defined.

ABAP is defined as part of the SAP kernel also know as SAP BASIS, which would be version 700 with an ECC 6.0 system.

Anyway, the best in depth book about the ABAP 4GL is probably Horst Keller's ABAP Objects. I believe it's only distributed by SAP PRESS. So if they don't offer it as eBook then there is none. You should also find a great deal of information about ABAP online at help.sap.com.

And BTW, I'm not affiliated with sap.com nor sap-press.com. It just happened that I was looking for the best ABAP book myself a while ago.
