In the "Find a Therapist" box on my site: I show/hide other fields based on whether the user selects Face to Face, Telephone, Email, or leaves this unselected. I used to do this with:
function showHideF2fOptions() {
contact_method = document.therapist_search.contact_method.options[document.therapist_search.contact_method.selectedIndex].value;
if(contact_method == 'f2f' || contact_method == '0') {
} else {
However IE (8, not sure of others) has started giving contact_method the value of or So I have now changed my code to deal with those conditions and the functionality is now back in working order. However, it would be nice to fix it properly so I didn't have the hack:
if(contact_method == 'f2f' || contact_method == '' || contact_method == '' || contact_method == '0' || contact_method == '' || contact_method == '')
I can't think of anything that I have changed here, only thing is Google Analytics inclusion (has always been included, but maybe it causes some conflict?).
Any ideas?