I'm currently working on a project I've just received that is asp.net + vb. I have to add a gridview in one part of the page, but it simply won't let me set the datasource
<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/Common/Common.master" title=whatever" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="uct" TagName="SubmenuControl" Src="whatever.ascx" %>
this loads the masterpage and a simple menu.
I had to create a page, so I've based myself on the existing ones:
Based on othes pages, I've copied the code behind insertion method:
<%@ Import Namespace="somelibrary" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="otherlibrary" %>
<script runat="server">
'some vb code
But when I compile, I get the message:
Did I forget something? I use simple system references (IO and DATA) it should work without any adition, I've added anyway the .data reference, but it doesn't work, so, what should I do ?
Since there's no vb coding in this question, you could answer it in C# or VB if any addition is needed in the code behind.
0-Visual Studio 2008
1-Works without this page
2-VB.NET but you can use C#
3-I'm new to asp, don't freak out
4-Without the references, the objects that use those references aren't recognized (underlined as reference missing) so the references load OK in theory.
5-If instead of adding the reference in the beginning I give the complete path to the object (ex.: system.io.fileinfo) I get the exact same error.
6-I'm watching this question, anything else you need to know, comment.