Help, I'm getting desperate now.
I've been searching the web high and low, but I can't find thats close to what I'm looking for.
I need a flash or jquery module that will display X number of images (3 in my case) and hide the rest. The center image is the focus image, to the right would be your next image and to the left would be the previous. If you click with the mouse to either the right of the left, it would do an animation scroll to that image. If you click the focus image, it would link somewhere.
The left and right images need to be in different positions. The next one needs to look like it's further were, by being higher and smaller. The right one would be similar, but not as small as the left, but smaller than the focus, same concept with the position. I should be able to customise it.
Anyway, everything that I have found, either does auto rotate, doesn't have infinate rotate, or rotates the way I want, but you can't limit visually, or had next/previous buttons and you can't customise the positions (this I could maybe do without).
I tried doing something in jquery, but it was a little out of my league and would take me too long.
If anyone has got a link to anything that sounds like what I'm looking for, I wold greatly appreciate it.