I want to import an excel 2007 file .xlsx file to sql server 2005 developer edition. but when I try Task> import data i jus can see options for Excel 2000 to 2005
You can set a linkedServer to a workbook file , there on all Worksheets, named ranges become tables,
Exec sp_addlinkedserver 'myExcelLinkedSrver','Ace 12.0','Microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0','D:\myxls.xls',null,'Excell 12.0'
Note that the Second and the third parameter depends on the version of Excel you are using..(In this case it is excel 2007).
2010-01-07 13:22:30
"Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider" try to select this option instead of ms excel,so that u can import excel 2007
2010-07-14 05:16:13