I wrote two applescripts so that my wife could launch mt-daapd and shut it down easily. They work fine in the Script Editor app but when I compile them into stand-alone apps, the apps work the first time I test them. Then they embarrass me as I proudly show them off to my wife. I see the "open" animation and then they just sit there. I've created other stand-alone apps before and this hasn't happened.
I tried changing the app type to a bundle (same problem). I even tried attaching to the executable via gdb to see if I could break on something magic to tell me what was going on. I looked in the Console for some information. Nothing was ther The scripts laughed in my face.
How do I fix this problem?
I've included one of the scripts below; the second is pretty much the same. I'm running 10.5.8.
property userpassword : ""
if userpassword is "" then
display dialog "Please enter your user password:" default answer "" with hidden answer
set userpassword to text returned of result
set the_password to "Undefined"
repeat until the_password is "Correct"
do shell script "/opt/local/sbin/mt-daapd -c /etc/mt-daapd.conf" password userpassword with administrator privileges
set the_password to "Correct"
on error
display dialog "Sorry, the password entered was not correct. Please try again:" default answer "" with hidden answer
set userpassword to text returned of result
end try
end repeat
if the_password is "Correct" then
display dialog "Your music is being shared!" buttons {"Done"} default button "Done"
end if
end if