



I have used this dojo plugin that provides a wonderful implementation of declarative AOP. Does anybody know of a similar plugin/library for ExtJS or for vanilla JS?


Ext adds a couple of basic AOP-related functions to the Function prototype (createInterceptor and createSequence). I would not call it a full-fledged AOP implementation by any means, but they are helpful in many cases. I'm not familiar with any Ext plugins or standalone JS implementations of AOP.

ExtJS is quick to tout the usefulness of those functions (and I agree), but I am hoping to find a declarative AOP package. There are many things about dojo I dislike - a relationship cultivated through months of use - but "their" AOP plugin is sweet! thanks.
Upper Stage
Yeah, I haven't seen anything like that for Ext. I don't use Dojo, so I don't know how much code there is in their AOP stuff, but maybe you could port their plugin to Ext if it's that important.