I have a google app engine code that tries to send a mail with an attachment of size 379KB. The mail has two recipients - one on the "To" list and myself on the "BCC" list. Apparently, GAE is treating this as 2 different mails which makes it an attempt to send mails with attachment size 758KB(379*2) and is resulting in QuotaExceededException as it exceeds the per minute quota of 500 odd KB/minute. While the mail reaches the recipient on the "To" list, the one on the Bcc (myself) is not receiving the mail.
Can task queue service be considered for solution to this problem? will the task queue framework retry transmission of the mail to recipients who did not get the mail whenever QuotaExceededException occurs?
Further, I plan to extend the aforementioned code in such a way that it would send the same mail (with attachment) to several users. This would obvioulsy result in QuotaExceededException if transmission to all recipients is attempted without any time gap. Can Task queue service help me in this case in any way?