



I'm looking for a way to sequentially number rows in a result set (not a table). In essence, I'm starting with a query like the following:

SELECT id, name FROM people WHERE name = 'Spiewak'

The ids are obviously not a true sequence (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4). What I need is another column in the result set which contains these auto-numberings. I'm willing to use a SQL function if I have to, but I would rather do it without using extensions on the ANSI spec.

Platform is MySQL, but the technique should be cross-platform if at all possible (hence the desire to avoid non-standard extensions).

+2  A: 

There is no ANSI-standard way to do this of which I am aware.

In SQL Server you have a ROW_NUMBER() function which can be used and in Oracle, there is a ROWNUM pseudo column.

In MySQL, there is this technique

Cade Roux
He'd probably prefer ROW_NUMBER() to RANK() for this, but as he's using MySQL/Ansi it's a moot point.
Joel Coehoorn
Of course, thanks.
Cade Roux
+9  A: 

To have a meaningful row number you need to order your results. Then you can do something like this:

SELECT id, name
    , (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM people p2 WHERE name='Spiewak' AND <= AS RowNumber
FROM people p1
WHERE name = 'Spiewak'

Note that the WHERE clause of the sub query needs to match the WHERE clause or the primary key from the main query and the ORDER BY of the main query.

SQL Server has the ROW_NUMBER() OVER construct to simplify this, but I don't know if MySQL has anything special to address it.

Since my post here was accepted as the answer, I want to also call out Dan Goldstein's response, which is very similar in approach but uses a JOIN instead of a sub query and will often perform better

Joel Coehoorn
That's clever, but the performance must be HORRIBLE. Not that I'm saying there's a better answer, just shuddering at the O(n^2) of it.
Paul Tomblin
Wow! That's very clever. I didn't even know you could use subqueries to define res fields in that fashion.
Daniel Spiewak
Agreed that performance could be better, but if you're limited to ansi it's what you have to do. Sometimes people will pre-calculate these results to speed things up.
Joel Coehoorn
Oh, and if your id column (in this case) lines up on a clustered index it may not be _that_ bad. SQL Server 2000, at least, was smart enough to cache and build on the previous results.
Joel Coehoorn
This solution is ANSI and can perform - however - it's a potential maintenance nightmare problem the ordering has to be strict and can get out of sync of the criteria change.
Cade Roux
+1  A: 

This page should give you a standard SQL way of doing it:

Hope this helps.

+5  A: 

AFAIK, there's no "standard" way.

MS SQL Server has row_number(), which MySQL has not.

The simplest way to do this in MySQL is

SELECT a.*, @num := @num + 1 b from test a, (SELECT @num := 0) d;

Source: comments in

+6  A: 

One idea that is pretty inefficient but is ANSI SQL would be to count the number of rows with a lesser id matching the same criteria. I haven't tested this SQL and it probably won't work, but something like:

SELECT id, name, sub.lcount
FROM people outer
JOIN (SELECT id, COUNT(id) lcount FROM people WHERE name = 'Spiewak' AND id < GROUP BY id) sub on =
WHERE name = 'Spiewak'

Dan Goldstein
Basically the same as what I posted, but the JOIN will probably be faster than the sub query for most cases.
Joel Coehoorn
Oh, you still need an explicit order by on your outer queury or this may return results ordered differently than the query.
Joel Coehoorn

For SQL server, check out the RANK function.

Paul Williams
SELECT @i:=@i+1 AS iterator, t.*
FROM tablename t,(SELECT @i:=0) foo
Peter Johnson