If you're listening for changes on a directory and it becomes unavailable (like the server being restarted), the FileSystemWatcher will throw an Exception. It provides a OnError event that you can listen for and you can decide how to handle the problem.
I have an application that runs multiple watchers and when one errors the application will handle the error by looping every 30 seconds attempting to connect again. It also keeps a running total of the number of times it has tried to connect unsuccessfully and eventually will give up (after about an hour).
Here's the general idea in VB.Net:
''' <summary>
''' This event is called when an error occurs with the file watcher. Most likely the directory being watched is no longer available (probably from a server reboot.)
''' </summary>
Protected Sub Scan_Error(ByVal Source As FileSystemWatcher, ByVal E As ErrorEventArgs)
'// Stop listening
Source.EnableRaisingEvents = False
'// Maximum attempts before shutting down (one hour)
Dim Max_Attempts As Integer = 120
Dim Timeout As Integer = 30000
Dim I As Integer = 0
'// Attempt to listen - if fail, wait and try again in 30 seconds.
While Source.EnableRaisingEvents = False And I < Max_Attempts
I += 1
Source.EnableRaisingEvents = True
Source.EnableRaisingEvents = False
End Try
End While
End Sub