I would like to not cache my aspx pages anywhere. For some reason IE ignores meta tags which are set from my master page
<meta http-equiv="Expires" CONTENT="0">
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" CONTENT="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
I am trying to see if I can set my Http response header to "Cache-Control" - "no-cache". Setting something like
HttpContext.Current.Response.Headers.Add("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
HttpContext.Current.Response.Headers.Add("Exipres", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString());
in every page would be painful. I am thinking if there is anyway we can set this in IIS7 (add this header to aspx pages, but not images/css/js). Is it possible ?
Edit: As per suggestion in http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc753133%28WS.10%29.aspx, adding a custom http response header adds the header to all files including js,css,images. So adding "Cache-Control","no-cache" here did not work either
Edit2: I am thinking about adding a httpmodule . Something similar to http://blogs.technet.com/stefan_gossner/archive/2008/03/12/iis-7-how-to-send-a-custom-server-http-header.aspx. Any suggestions ?