I have a grid view which contains 10 rows and 3 columns.. Now i want to loop through all rows and all columns of the gridview and want to add them to a datatable..
DataRow row;
int rowscount = gv.Rows.Count;
int columnscount = gv.Columns.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < rowscount; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < columnscount; j++)
row = empTable.NewRow();
row["a"] = gv.Rows[i][column1].Tostring();
row["b"] = gv.Rows[i][column2].ToString();
gv - my gridview
Now my question is , Can i get the value of all columns of all rows in gv
to my new datatable.. I dont know whether my loop is correct or not... I am using this datatable for a bulkcopy function...