



I have a database that I have recently upgraded via SSMA to use SQL Server 2005. If I open a form that is bound to a table, it will display the data from the table; however, I am unable to edit the form and save the information. Simply typing in a textbox does nothing.

I have noticed that the Access DB now has extra "tables" that begin with "SSMA$[OriginalTableName[", which appear to be the links to the SQL server, and I am able to view and edit those. I am unable to edit the original tables, only view them. I've attempted to modify those "bound" tables to the new "SSMA$", however, multiple errors ensue.

Has anyone experienced this before? Any ideas or insight would be most helpful.


Actually, I believe i just figured it out. If a table doesn't have a clearly defined primary key, the SSMA wizard will created the linked tables. Access, without a primary key on a linked table, apparently doesn't know how to update it and opts to open said linked table in "read-only" mode. I was able to reproduce the problem by creating a linked table manually, and then a popup asked me to identify the primary key. Clicking "Cancel" puts the linked table in read-only mode, but creating a primary key and using that column allows me to work with the table.

In addition to always having a PK defined (without it on every table you don't really have a database, just a bucket of data), I always include a timestamp field in all my SQL Server tables because this helps Access manage refreshes in bound forms.