



I need a performance enhanced Activator.CreateInstance() and came across this article by Miron Abramson that uses a factory to create the instance in IL and then cache it. (I've included code below from Miron Abramson's site in case it somehow disappears). I'm new to IL Emit code and anything beyond Activator.CreateInstance() for instantiating a class and any help would be much appreciative.

My problem is that I need to create an instance of an object that takes a ctor with a parameter. I see there is a way to pass in the Type of the parameter, but is there a way to pass in the value of the ctor parameter as well?

If possible, I would like to use a method similar to CreateObjectFactory<T>(params object[] constructorParams) as some objects I want to instantiate may have more than 1 ctor param.

// Source:
public static class FastObjectFactory
    private static readonly Hashtable creatorCache = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable());
    private readonly static Type coType = typeof(CreateObject);
    public delegate object CreateObject();

    /// Create an object that will used as a 'factory' to the specified type T 
    public static CreateObject CreateObjectFactory() where T : class
        Type t = typeof(T);
        FastObjectFactory.CreateObject c = creatorCache[t] as FastObjectFactory.CreateObject;
        if (c == null)
            lock (creatorCache.SyncRoot)
                c = creatorCache[t] as FastObjectFactory.CreateObject;
                if (c != null)
                    return c;
                DynamicMethod dynMethod = new DynamicMethod("DM$OBJ_FACTORY_" + t.Name, typeof(object), null, t);
                ILGenerator ilGen = dynMethod.GetILGenerator();

                ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, t.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes));
                c = (CreateObject)dynMethod.CreateDelegate(coType);
                creatorCache.Add(t, c);
        return c;

Update to Miron's code from commentor on his post 2010-01-11

public static class FastObjectFactory2<T> where T : class, new()
    public static Func<T> CreateObject { get; private set; }

    static FastObjectFactory2()
        Type objType = typeof(T);
        var dynMethod = new DynamicMethod("DM$OBJ_FACTORY_" + objType.Name, objType, null, objType);
        ILGenerator ilGen = dynMethod.GetILGenerator();
        ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, objType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes));
        CreateObject = (Func<T>)

I wrote this a while ago. It's using the .NET 3.5 Linq Expression trees rather than emitting IL, which is almost as fast, and more maintainable. It can take up to 4 constructor arguments.

Using any constructor arguments like you want to do might be a bit slower however due to looking up the constructor based on the argument types, but it's still much faster than with reflection. Also with IL emission there would have to be some lookup I think.

You have to specify the exact type which you want to construct as it's no IOC/DI container. Maybe you can extend and adapt it to your needs.

// usage:
Cat myCat = Instantiator<Cat>.New("furry", /* isCute*/ true);

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;

static public class Instantiator<TInstance>
    static Instantiator()
        Debug.Assert(typeof(TInstance).IsValueType || (typeof(TInstance).IsClass && !typeof(TInstance).IsAbstract),
                String.Concat("The type ", typeof(TInstance).Name, " is not constructable."));

    static public TInstance New()
        return InstantiatorImpl.CtorFunc();

    static public TInstance New<TA>(TA valueA)
        return InstantiatorImpl<TA>.CtorFunc(valueA);

    static public TInstance New<TA, TB>(TA valueA, TB valueB)
        return InstantiatorImpl<TA, TB>.CtorFunc(valueA, valueB);

    static public TInstance New<TA, TB, TC>(TA valueA, TB valueB, TC valueC)
        return InstantiatorImpl<TA, TB, TC>.CtorFunc(valueA, valueB, valueC);

    static public TInstance New<TA, TB, TC, TD>(TA valueA, TB valueB, TC valueC, TD valueD)
        return InstantiatorImpl<TA, TB, TC, TD>.CtorFunc(valueA, valueB, valueC, valueD);

    static private Expression<TDelegate> CreateLambdaExpression<TDelegate>(params Type[] argTypes)
        Debug.Assert(argTypes != null);

        ParameterExpression[] paramExpressions = new ParameterExpression[argTypes.Length];

        for (int i = 0; i < paramExpressions.Length; i++)
            paramExpressions[i] = Expression.Parameter(argTypes[i], String.Concat("arg", i));

        ConstructorInfo ctorInfo = typeof(TInstance).GetConstructor(argTypes);
        if (ctorInfo == null)
            throw new ArgumentException(String.Concat("The type ", typeof(TInstance).Name, " has no constructor with the argument type(s) ", String.Join(", ", argTypes.Select(t => t.Name).ToArray()), "."),

        return Expression.Lambda<TDelegate>(Expression.New(ctorInfo, paramExpressions), paramExpressions);

    static private class InstantiatorImpl
        static public readonly Func<TInstance> CtorFunc = Expression.Lambda<Func<TInstance>>(Expression.New(typeof(TInstance))).Compile();

    static private class InstantiatorImpl<TA>
        static public readonly Func<TA, TInstance> CtorFunc = Instantiator<TInstance>.CreateLambdaExpression<Func<TA, TInstance>>(typeof(TA)).Compile();

    static private class InstantiatorImpl<TA, TB>
        static public readonly Func<TA, TB, TInstance> CtorFunc = Instantiator<TInstance>.CreateLambdaExpression<Func<TA, TB, TInstance>>(typeof(TA), typeof(TB)).Compile();

    static private class InstantiatorImpl<TA, TB, TC>
        static public readonly Func<TA, TB, TC, TInstance> CtorFunc = Instantiator<TInstance>.CreateLambdaExpression<Func<TA, TB, TC, TInstance>>(typeof(TA), typeof(TB), typeof(TC)).Compile();

    static private class InstantiatorImpl<TA, TB, TC, TD>
        static public readonly Func<TA, TB, TC, TD, TInstance> CtorFunc = Instantiator<TInstance>.CreateLambdaExpression<Func<TA, TB, TC, TD, TInstance>>(typeof(TA), typeof(TB), typeof(TC), typeof(TD)).Compile();

Have teh funz with it! :->

herzmeister der welten
thanks! i'll give it a try. i never thought about linq expression trees.
I updated the Instantiator because I refactored and simplified it a lot. I noticed I can do without that dictionary and leverage the compiler's generics mechanisms instead for holding references to the compiled lambda expressions. We all make mistakes in the past and we learn with time. ;-) ...However, expression trees still take a while to compile, but once initialized, it comes as close as you can get to native code.
herzmeister der welten
i'll take a look. thanks for the update!
Looks like the update did speed it up in my tests. FROM: Instantiator<MyObject>.New(string,int): 00:00:00.0249225 TO: Instantiator<MyObject>.New(string,int): 00:00:00.0075623

I think the first thing you need to change is the CreateObject delegate. I would do it like this:

public delegate object CreateObject(params object[] args);

Then, here's a good way to generate a CreateObject delegate from a ConstructorInfo (using expression trees):

/// <summary>
///    Creates and compiles an Expression like this:
/// (object[] args) =>
/// (object)(
///     new {ConstructedType}(args[0], args[1], ...)
/// )
/// </summary>
public static DynamicStaticMethod CreateConstructor(ConstructorInfo constructor)
    if (constructor == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("constructor");

    //Create 'args' parameter expression
    ParameterExpression argsParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object[]), "args");

    //Create body expression
    ParameterInfo[] constructorParams = constructor.GetParameters();
    Expression body = Expression.New(
        CreateParameterExpressions(constructorParams, argsParameter)

    //Create and compile lambda
    var lambda = Expression.Lambda<CreateObject>(
        Expression.Convert(body, typeof(object)),
    return lambda.Compile();

A full extended version of this compiler is in my personal repository. Feel free to browse whatever is there.

i'll give'er a try! thanks!
i may need more information on the best way to initiate CreateConstructor but this method seems to take the longest. From my tests (no cache) 999 instances of the same object takes a little over 2 seconds. This takes longer than Activator.CreateObject by quite a bit.
Activator.CreateInstance(Type)(string,int): 00:00:00.0139442 <br/>Instantiator<MyObject>.New(string,int): 00:00:00.0249225 FastObjectFactory.CreateObjec (empty cache): 00:00:00.0023258 FastObjectFactory.CreateObjec (cache full): 00:00:00.0000439 LateBoundMethodFactory.CreateConstructor: 00:00:02.8543006
This is essentially the same as the Instantiator but without the caching, that's why it doesn't perform well. The caching of the compiled expression is crucial. That's why 999 instances still isn't enough to outperform the Activator. :-/ Only after 10000 you will see the effect. So it's worth consideration if the application is long lived.
herzmeister der welten
good to know as there will be times that there will be over 10,000. i'll do some tests with larger than 10k.

Has your profiler shown you that a large amount of time is spent in Activator.CreateInstance() (and not any constructor called by it) if you don't use the simple approach. If that is not the case, just use Activator.CreateInstance. (There seems to not be a generic CreateInstance() method with ctor arguments, but there is a non-generic one).

+1  A: 
i haven't heard any comments for a while so i'll mark this as the best answer so far.