Using RhinoMocks, I have a catch-22 situation: I want to verify that a method is called, but this method needs to have an object returned on it because the returned object is acted on in the next line. In other words, mocking on the interface just returns a null value, but not mocking it up doesn't give me any way to verify that the method was called apart from some kind of integration test.
Therefore, looking at the contrived sample below that I threw together, is there a way to do what I'm wanting? I thought there might be a way to set the AssertWasCalled method to actually return something as when stubbing a method, but...thanks for any pointers (especially if it's simply a design flaw that should be addressed instead).
public class SomeClass
private readonly ISomeMapper _someMapper;
public Test(ISomeMapper someMapper)
_someMapper = someMapper;
public SomeReturnType SomeMethod(IEnumerable<ISomethingToMap> somethings)
//foreach over somethings and do something based on various properties for each
MappedSomething mappedSomething = _someMapper.Map(something); // AssertWasCalled here
mappedSomething.SomeProperty = somethingFromSomewhere; // Which gets a null reference exception here (understandably) if _someMapper is mocked
//end foreach after more stuff
public void the_mapper_should_be_called()
//If mock or stub, then can AssertWasCalled, but then only null object returned.
// If don't mock, then cannot assert whether was called.
var mapper = MockRepository.GenerateStub<ISomeMapper>();
var somethingToMap = _someListOfSomethings[0];
var sut = new SomeClass(mapper);
mapper.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Map(somethingToMap));