



Does MySql 5.1 and SQL Server 2008 (Web edition, Standard) have any functional password limitations other than length limits? Are metacharacters in any form a bad idea to use, like bang, pipe, hash, any slash, carrot, and so on?

I know that MySql 5.1 has a password length limitation of 16 characters that is hardcoded, but I was wondering, are any metacharacters (i.e. non alphanumerics) a bad idea to use? And is this true in SQL Server 2008 Web edition, Standard?

So specifically: can symbols like:

/`~>:}{[]^ be used successfully?

I would hope it doesn't matter to the database, but I don't understand enough about password storage in enterprise database systems yet to know for sure, and I was looking for confirmation or an explanation.

+1  A: 
 mysql> create user test identified by '/`~>:}{[]^';
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.13 sec)

yes - you can actually login now with this command line:

 C:\Documents and Settings\rbouman2>mysql -utest -h127.0.0.1 -P3351 -p
 Enter password: **********

I tried entering the password directly after -p, but that didn't work for windows - it thinks i want to invoke more if I do that. but I am 100% sure that's on the windows shell. MySQL itself feels this is a valid password.

Roland Bouman
succinct and incredibly helpful. thank you! I wonder if anyone knows about this for MSSQL..